
Home Building & Renovations Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked. Frequently Answered.

We know that building a new home or starting a remodeling project comes with all sorts of questions.  Chances are likely that your questions are similar to ones we’ve answered before!  Below are some of the most common.  And of course, we hope you’ll reach out to us so we can get a chance to answer your questions directly.

I need ideas for renovating an unused space. Can you help?2021-02-02T13:21:54+00:00

Absolutely, in our 25 plus years in the construction industry, we’ve seen and worked on many scenarios.  With that knowledge we can help you design any space to match your vision.

What situations occur that can impact the budget?2021-02-02T13:20:07+00:00

We try our best to meet with each client to match our pricing to your finish level expectations before and during construction.  With that being said, modifications to a project mid-construction, or alterations that occur, could result in significant changes to the agreed upon price. All changes are approved and agreed upon in writing before modifications are made.

Is CHB and your subs insured?2021-02-02T13:19:05+00:00

CHB of Roanoke, along with all our sub-contractors are insured.  Our subs have been working alongside us for decades and we rely on our tradesmen for every job.  They know our expectation for their work and we know their reliability and integrity.

Do you have specific home styles you build?2021-02-02T13:18:21+00:00

We’ve had the privilege of building many different styles over the years.  Remember, you’re the boss and we work for you.  It is our hope that we bring your dream to reality – -you direct us, and we’ll make it your home!

How does a construction loan work?2021-02-02T13:14:18+00:00

When building a new home, you will need a different type of loan called a Construction Loan.  After you have chosen which lender will best suit your needs for the homebuilding or renovation project, we will work with your lender to coordinate draws, inspections and other requests that might go along with the process.

Typically a lender provides draw schedule.  This draw schedule specifies when the builder may request funds from the lender and is typically aligned with progress points in the build.  Once construction is complete, a construction loan is typically converted to a traditional mortgage.

Can you recommend lenders for construction loans?2021-02-02T12:47:38+00:00

Absolutely.  We have decades of reliable contacts that we are confidence in to deliver a wonderful product and great customer service. Once you decide CHB of Roanoke is a right match for you, we can provide you with lenders that we recommend.

Do you recommend vendors for fixtures and materials?2021-02-02T12:49:19+00:00

We have great working relationships with several suppliers and vendors.  We believe we work with the best, most reliable and cutting edge suppliers in the region.  A list of vendors is available to all of our clients.

How long does it take to build a new home?2021-01-21T13:05:54+00:00

The amount of time it takes for us to build a new home can vary.  In general you can count on 6 to 9 months.  However, several things go into impacting that timeline including weather, county inspections, availability of materials, and timing of decisions you’ll need to make along the way.

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